The two jobs that exist are 1. being on the computer and 2. bringing things to people who are on the computer

I am no Scrooge but I am so fucking sick of Christmas right now.

Last month my Thanksgiving was cancelled due to my friend who intended to host having COVID-19. Totally grateful to him for being forthcoming so we didn’t attend, but ever since that day everything has caused me to want to pull my hair out. I missed my favorite holiday, the last vestigial respite before all hell breaks loose, & I am so goddamn tired.

I had a conversation w/ a customer today whose lack of foresight is somehow my problem. See, he’s a customer who has customers, whose customers buy a lot of nifty gifties for Christmas, but he doesn’t produce shit. My company produces what his company sells, & he keeps sending me Purchase Orders that literally say “Entered: December 6th, 2022”, “Expected: December 6th, 2022”. Nevermind that his company is across the country – not across the street – & he has to send us his branded packing materials for us to pack his branded products into before I can get even a single line item off the ground. It’s infuriating.

I finally have an incredible staff @ work, but my boss has asked everyone to work a 6th day the 1st 2 weeks of this month. Last year the employees I had barely worked 6 days a week COMBINED, but we didn’t have a corporate order campaign going that required constant backstock. Working a 6th day each week means I have not had time to go shop for my own family, because I’m too busy making sure that everybody else’s family gets what they asked for (hint: it’s flavored salt – that most of them won’t even use).

& it’s not just the work demands that I find demanding. I have friends I haven’t seen in a month, & other friends who can’t make our plans, & other friends whose messages I can’t respond to for days on end. I have a mother who asked me what Victor & I wanted for Christmas when we don’t want anything she can afford (we want a house! She is not responsible for contributing to that desire!) I have a father who’s been in the hospital since the weekend before Thanksgiving, who hasn’t even listened to the audiobooks I got him for his September birthday, even though all I’m trying to do by sending him books is literally save his life. I am cold all the time, I’m tired all the time, it’s dark all the time (fuck you, Daylight Savings Time, I thought we passed a law to stop doing that), & I’m still grieving what my best friend did 3 months ago.

I know that as a person ages their perception of time speeds up. & I do feel like this is all happening really fast. 3 months ago I was desperately clawing my way through the workday in the face of the worst employee who has ever lived, ignorant of the fact that I was about to uproot about like, a quarter of my support system by responding poorly to bad news, unattached to any kind of goal-setting behaviors, & completely w/o responsibility to myself. But now I’m trying to be responsible, I never have enough time.

I started tonight trying to write out a list of my goals & how achieving them/not achieving them makes me feel, because I finally have identifiable goals again, but I quickly got lost in the perfectionism sauce. I can’t explain how it’s going to feel when I don’t check off literally every thing every day, because I can remember how it feels TO check off every thing every day. Maybe that’s correspondent w/ having enough daylight hours, or maybe it’s just correspondent w/ doing less. But I wasn’t happy enough when I was doing less.

I wasn’t happy enough when all I had to do was a good job @ work then a mediocre job of being a girlfriend @ home. I wasn’t happy when I wasn’t singing, dancing, writing, learning Spanish & taking care of cats. So then why is it that now I’m singing, dancing, writing, learning Spanish & taking care of cats I still feel an utter sense of defeat?

I’m trying to do the holiday spirit, I really am. I baked a pumpkin pecan pie for Thanksgiving. I bought an $8 secondhand artificial Christmas tree. We hung the lights, the stockings, we bought eggnog & went to go see a Christmas movie in the theatre. But a huge difference between who I am now & who I was 2 Christmases ago is that my entire life’s essence seems to be driven by this job. If I don’t have a sense of fulfillment @ the end of the workday, it’s hard to muster up a sense of accomplishment after that.

I used to work 2 jobs, necessitating some of that work be second shift. It was amazing to have an entire “day off” before I went in, removing the need to get anything & everything done @ work once I arrived since I almost always already had a sense of achievement before I got in each day. I want that back. I want that back w/o being the kind of person who gets up @ 6 AM.

Because damnit, half the year it’s still dark @ 6 AM! WHY CAN’T WE MOVE CHRISTMAS TO JULY.

About andpantomime

Poems Going Sideways for Books Printed in Wingdings November 6, 2011 at 12:39am "This is the anthemic serenade to a girl, from the part of her that isn't enough for herself, about the parts of her that are too much for other people. And we're not going to sing it, because it doesn't even need to be said but for some reason we're writing it down. You ruminate wearily over the way you want to be loved. It's got to be verse, and it's got to be clever, and it's got to be melody. You find in yourself at once both an envy for others' companionship and a bubbling distaste for the entire idea. You are proud and haughty and quiet and quick and alone, preferably. You allow yourself caffeine over sleep, alliteration over rhyme, preoccupation over vocation, and an internal sense of commitment to everything which does not ask it of you. Your eyes talk exhaustion to your heart, which is distracted by the water cooler chatter of your mind. Your feet are frantic. This is the time to believe in more and do less. This is the time to be awake and running and happening - this is the time to occur. Moment for moment, instead of depositing soul into an emotional institution which is going to go bankrupt and never reimburse your abililty to feel, you should be touching and living and crying and breathing both out and in. Only registering exhales is only counting disappointment. Better yet, look around for the times that take your breath away. Blessings line your life, including a command to count them. It's about to be cold and you should put your socks on and your big-girl heart-armor and go into a new season with the hope that your shield breaks. Somebody could break your shield if you would only put a few cracks in it. However; such a subjunctive subordinates itself to your reality and you miss the spontaneity of living - however real or imagined it ever was." View all posts by andpantomime

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