
Tonight I had the crystalizing moment of “Wow, I’m really this happy.”
We had just finished eating dinner I made from scratch (which Victor enjoyed because I am finally becoming a good cook!) I was sitting on the couch w/ Victor while he watched his team (da Bears) fight for their lives (& do fairly well) against their mortal enemies, the Packers. To set the scene further, we were listening to the best of Vicente Fernandez, the legendary Mexican singer who passed away yesterday. A singer Victor loves, his grandfather loves, & of whose music I may only know 1 song (but I love that song.)
I start getting messages/a phone call about work. My right-hand-person, Jordan, updates me virtually every night on her side of things. I got to finally tell her, tonight, that she & I have guaranteed help in the morning. Some of the weight she’s been carrying for the company will no longer rest solely on her shoulders. & I think she was relieved – as relieved as she will let herself be when it’s a week before Christmas & you’re in charge of retail operations. But we found this incredible person who wants to work in a spice kitchen & is motivated to learn anything we will teach them. Bonus: I think I am even becoming friends w/ our newest hire. So yeah, lots to celebrate even in a brief phone call.
5 minutes later, I’m back in the living room w/ Victor. Who has been watching this game. Who has been listening to this troubadour. & he’s not speaking any English! All Spanish!
We’ve been together for years @ this point. He’s never done this (I mean except when speaking to family), but all of a sudden he’s verbally coaching & berating both teams, narrating, providing commentary completely in Spanish. The last phrase I understood w/ my limited Spanish was him telling someone “You’re not playing basketball.”
& it all hits me. I’m this comfortable. I made dinner & was proud of it. I listened to Victor agonize over a football game & I loved him – I even cared about the game. I told my coworker good news about good help we’ve both worked really hard to find. I enjoyed listening to Spanish – both spoken & sung – & I knew what was being said sometimes.
& then I told Vic I was writing about it & he immediately switched back to English & the moment was over but whatever. The feeling is gonna stick w/ me for a long time. The feeling that it is so cool to be this happy.
& it wasn’t just tonight or something that happened over the last few weeks or something sudden. I’ve been actively trying to milk life for this feeling of contentment & satiety. I started the day on the right foot. I was a little hungover, but that was because I stayed up late w/ a friend who was doing shrooms- time well spent as it really helped them. I took my hangover to the gym & was determined to work it off. I organized parts of my home. I went to the thrift store for an hr & spent $20 for 5 new sweaters that slap. I stayed sober all night. I fucking had a salt bath. I’m just. I’m actually doing well. & as someone who always thinks I’m doing well, I can say that this time surpasses all time. I’m motivated to take care of myself & I also feel like I have the resources to do that.

I feel like every time I am using this blog is actually BECAUSE I’m doing well. Oh sure you can read posts dating back a decade where I’m bitching & whining & being very “pick me”! But I had the freedom & time & space & energy to compose those posts, & that spoke volumes. When things have been really hard or I’m going through changes, I don’t really write.

This year instead of going through, I’ve made fucking changes. This is not a “looking ahead to the New Year” kind of post so much as a “huh things sure have changed for the better for me” post. This year I changed gyms to 1 that I am motivated to attend because they have amenities, & classes, & it’s pretty in there. I subscribed to a box of fresh produce to be delivered every couple weeks – & I determined to learn how to make the best, tastiest vegetables I’ve ever had. I removed positively awful people from my life & resolved to not be a positively awful person myself. & to accomplish the previous clause, I had to stop making an ass of myself when drinking, so I subscribed to a service that helps me track my alcohol intake & I’ve actually cut my alcohol intake dramatically. I took a full time job even though I thought I never wanted to do 40 hours in one place all week, & that full time job has made me more money than ever before while also affording me a flexible schedule & all the variety that I thought I wanted from having multiple part time jobs. I traveled w/ Victor, I WENT TO TURKEY! & I’m in a happy relationship w/ myself & all my family & all my friends & all my coworkers & especially w/ my partner. So maybe this is a “Thinking about 2022” post. Because I abso-fucking-lutely want to continue this trend next year.

About andpantomime

Poems Going Sideways for Books Printed in Wingdings November 6, 2011 at 12:39am "This is the anthemic serenade to a girl, from the part of her that isn't enough for herself, about the parts of her that are too much for other people. And we're not going to sing it, because it doesn't even need to be said but for some reason we're writing it down. You ruminate wearily over the way you want to be loved. It's got to be verse, and it's got to be clever, and it's got to be melody. You find in yourself at once both an envy for others' companionship and a bubbling distaste for the entire idea. You are proud and haughty and quiet and quick and alone, preferably. You allow yourself caffeine over sleep, alliteration over rhyme, preoccupation over vocation, and an internal sense of commitment to everything which does not ask it of you. Your eyes talk exhaustion to your heart, which is distracted by the water cooler chatter of your mind. Your feet are frantic. This is the time to believe in more and do less. This is the time to be awake and running and happening - this is the time to occur. Moment for moment, instead of depositing soul into an emotional institution which is going to go bankrupt and never reimburse your abililty to feel, you should be touching and living and crying and breathing both out and in. Only registering exhales is only counting disappointment. Better yet, look around for the times that take your breath away. Blessings line your life, including a command to count them. It's about to be cold and you should put your socks on and your big-girl heart-armor and go into a new season with the hope that your shield breaks. Somebody could break your shield if you would only put a few cracks in it. However; such a subjunctive subordinates itself to your reality and you miss the spontaneity of living - however real or imagined it ever was." View all posts by andpantomime

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